Green Schools

Our 5th flag  - Biodiversity

Our school community has already noticed more biodeversity in the habitats created and  is delighted that we have been awarded our 5th Green flag for Biodiversity. In Two mile House National School, biodiversity can be seen in the school grounds from the bug hotel to the school garden. It was fantastic to see the butterflies visiting our Buddleia plants, we look forward to their return. 

The Green – Schools Committee would like to thank Mr. O’Connor, teachers, SNAs, Tony our caretaker, Chris in the office and former 6th Class committee members for all their help and support towards achieving this award. We would also like to acknowledge all those who have and continue to give so freely of their time to help create and maintain our school garden, in particular Ann Cowley and Axel Bontes (parents).

We are continuing our efforts to keep our school litter free. Thanks to our 5th class litter pickers for their continued efforts. We continue to recycle, save energy (whenever possible), conserve water and walk / park and stride to school.


You can keep up to date with our activities on the school on our Twitter page.

Get Involved at Home with Kildare County Council’s Adopt a Kilometre Scheme

Our Green School Code

Plants, animals everywhere,

Protect them all, show them we care

From the smallest animal to the largest tree,


Keepin’ grass green and the oceans blue,

Biodiversity takes care of you.

Plants, animals, we’re all linked

So let us not become extinct!