Two Mile House Primary School is proud to be a green school.
Green-Schools is an environmental education programme run by An Taisce in partnership with local authorities. It promotes long-term, whole school action for the environment.
To date we have been awarded green flags for Litter and Waste Management, Energy Conservation, Water Conservation, Travel and Biodiversity.
At Present work is well underway on our next green flag – Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste. Throughout the school community, we are raising awareness about global citizenship and what it means to be a good global citizen.
The Green Schools Committee consists of representatives from 2nd class upwards and a staff representative.
Noah, Ella, Isaac and another Ella from 6th Class.
Áine and Eamonn from 5th Class.
Hugh and Lucinta from 4th Class.
Sam and Emma from 3rd Class.
Finn and Hannah from 2nd Class
and Anna Groves 2nd Class teacher.
The committee would like to acknowledge the support and co-operation of the wider school community in working towards our next flag. A special thanks to our caretaker Tony.